
Texas chain saw massacre analyzed
Texas chain saw massacre analyzed

This makes his masks his identity, emphasized further by the fact that he has different masks for whatever role he decides to perform. Unlike the other killers mentioned, there is no surprise unmasking of Leatherface his true face is never revealed. Obviously the fact his masks are made out of other people’s faces is meant to instill a similar brand of fear, but the masks are almost characters themselves. The Grabber isn’t the first horror predator who took too much interest in his prey. Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre joins the Horror BISHOUJO lineup with the infamous chainsaw dance scene used as a motif Availability: Out of stock SKU: KTOSV271 Category: TV & Movie Statues Tag: Texas Chainsaw Massacre. His masks don’t serve the typical utilitarian purpose of obscuring his face as a way to seem more than man-it does the opposite. There’s something about his latest victim that he can’t shake and needs to understand. The most iconic mask worn in his on-screen debut is used for his procuring and preparation of his victims, the “Grandma” mask is briefly shown and is worn during housework, and the “Pretty Lady” mask is for dinner. Running Time: 98 minutes: Franchise: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Comparisons: vs. His first diversion from the now-prototypical masked slasher is the three distinct iterations of this mask each corresponding with the task he’s performing. March 30th, 2004 by New Line Home Video, released as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003) MPAA Rating: R for strong horror violence/gore, language and drug content. Sitting in the back of a van full of five friends, Pam reads out loud from an. W hen we are introduced to the soon-to-be-vulnerable youths in Tobe Hooper’s The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, they are talking about what the stars portend for their trip. Arguably, Leatherface also started this mask trend with his grotesque creations of dried skin. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) Stephanie Monohan. Michael Myers has the modified Shatner, Jason Voorhees has the hockey mask, all the killers in the Scream cinematic universe don the Ghostface mask. Having a masked killer in a slasher movie is pretty much guaranteed.

texas chain saw massacre analyzed

However there’s another aspect to Leatherface that separates him from other slashers of his ilk: his masks and how he uses them throughout his onscreen appearance. I use the term antagonist sparingly because Leatherface and his two brothers-later named the Sawyer family-are forced into cannibalism due to the 1973 recession that impacted rural areas significantly hard this combined with the verbal attacks thrown at Leatherface by his older brother make him a more sympathetic, human killer than his later counterparts. Arguably its most obvious contribution to the cultural zeitgeist is the main “antagonist” Leatherface: a large, lumbering wall of pure survival instinct and raw power wielding a massive chainsaw used to prepare human prey for meals.

texas chain saw massacre analyzed texas chain saw massacre analyzed

It’s been the subject of countless academic studies-most famously Carol Clover’s analysis in Men, Women, and Chainsaws-and inspired several popular horror franchises. N2 - Much is made of the viscerally disturbing qualities embedded in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - human bodies are traumatised, mutilated and distorted and. It’s credited with being the start of the boom in the slasher subgenre. Tobe Hooper’s debut feature The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is known for being a seminal work in the horror genre.

Texas chain saw massacre analyzed